House of Cards is an American political drama television series. Set in present-day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a Democrat from South Carolina's 5th congressional district and House majority whip who, after being passed over for appointment as Secretary of State, initiates an elaborate plan to get himself into a position of greater power, aided by his wife, Claire Underwood (Robin Wright)
The most scary for me in this series is that I know this type of people in my own environment. The drama is exaggerating but the attitude exists. Maybe they are not killing people and they do not play on the level of the White House, but this heartless cruel games are very familiar to me.
I don't know, maybe this is a gender issue but I especially hate the woman. Robin Wright is great in this movie making all my cells to hate her while she is acting as the wife of Frank Underwood.